Leadership Community

Saint Mark’s Community Church is a community-focused, congregationally-guided church. We are dependent upon our church family to lead and oversee our mission of impacting Alamance County and Making Jesus Famous by Becoming More Like Him.

Our church vision and impact are overseen by the faithful stewardship of three leadership groups: the Directional Leadership Team (staff/pastoral leadership), the Elder Council (mission-focused), and the Board of Directors (operation-oriented). As these groups seek to faithfully guide the church, we are looking to create opportunities to connect regularly with influential voices within our congregation. 

Through this leadership community, we hope to develop a vibrant group of leaders committed to becoming more like Jesus, passionate about St. Mark’s Community Church, and invested in impacting Alamance County. This group of folks will be a resource and sounding board for the church as we seek to Make Jesus Famous in fresh, innovative, and relevant ways in the years to come. Please prayerfully consider those whom you believe meet the criteria above and submit their names through the form below. We are committed to meeting individually with everyone submitted as we continue to expand the reach of our mission and vision for impact in our growing and vibrant community!