Big Fish, part 2 — Silencing the Storm

Welcome to part 2 of our series Big Fish, where we will unpack the book of Jonah, experiencing this familiar Sunday school story in a fresh, new way. This week we remain in Jonah 1.

1. What are your beliefs or thoughts about the role of prophets and prophecy? How does Jonah (the person and/or the book) challenge or change this view?

Read Jonah 1:4-5.

2. Share about some of the storms you have experienced in your life. How has God been faithful throughout these storms?

3. Verse 4 says that Jonah is in a “deep sleep.” When you have been “asleep” during a key moment in your life? How did God wake you up?

4. In their fear, the sailors “cried out to their own god(s).” How does fear or anxiety often lead us to seek help from our idols instead of the true God?

Read Matthew 5:14-16.

5. Referring to this passage in his sermon, Pete noted that our personal relationship with Jesus is anything but private. Discuss the difference between the two.

6. Can you see how Jonah’s choice to run from God negatively impacted the sailors and ship captain? Talk about the unforeseen (or unseen) effects that occur when we run from God, or hide our faith from others.

Read Jonah 1:11-12.

7. What do you think Jonah’s motivation or state of mind was here? Have you ever been in a similar state?

8. How was being thrown into the sea the best thing for Jonah?

9. In Jonah 1:15-16, God works to cause the pagan sailors to revere Him not only despite, but through Jonah’s failure.

To close, reflect on what Pete said in this week’s Primer Podcast: “When we’re honest with our hurt, brokenness, and failure, God’s going to use those things for his glory. God’s will is not bound by our failures.”


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Big Fish, part 3 — Unexpected Salvation


Big Fish, part 1 — Expect the Unexpected